Header Banner kit: My Little Monster from AmyDane Designs!
The WHOLE AmyDane shop is on sale this week!
HER WHOLE SHOP is 40% during her Featured Week!!
PROMO CODE: AmyDane40off
It's Monday and that means it's time for a NEW Featured Designer!!

Here are some FUN things she'd to know:
At 40 years old I am truly enjoying my role as wife and Mom of 4. Teenagers keep me guessing and 5 year old keeps my hopping. I have a passion for photography, thrift stores, thunderstorms and books. I read almost all Young Adult literature and my library houses almost 4000 books that I check out to friends and family. I hate dogs but am in love with our bulldog Sugar...she may have changed my mind about canines.
Remember her WHOLE SHOP is on sale 40% off this week with
PROMO CODE: AmyDane40off
Here are just a FEW of the awesome goodies in her shop!
Comment below to tell her YOUR favorite kit
and enter her WHOLE SHOP GIVEAWAY!!
There will be TWO LUCKY DUCKS!
And... if you are Debbie Giomi or Diphsmom@aim.com YOU are my Lucky Ducks from last week's Featured Designer giveaway - so send me an email to get the info you need to claim your prize!! Email: LisaJ@MyMemories.com
Green is my favorite color. My choice is (of course) Emerald City!
Thank you,
Jonna Baker
OMGoodness! WHAT a prize!!! My favorite kit is Hands of Time, but I LOOOOOVE all of them! Thanks for the chance :)
Wow, what a great opportunity, So many beautiful Kits and to choose one was too hard: That being said I'll have to pick the "ABC Full Quick Page Album" It so great for this time of year with two grandchildren just starting school. Thanks again for the chance to win.
Not sure I can choose just one favorite. I really like Most Wonderful Time and All Things Blue and Gold.
So many great ones....I love Little Monster and Hands of Time...but then I like most of them
Thank You
Once Upon A Time is a great kit. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a wonderful prize.
I really like the colors and embellishments on "A Good Read." I'm hoping to do an album of my favorite books and my time as a library director. (A dream job for me...so sorry I had to leave!) Thanks so much for a chance to win some of Amy Dane's work.
Love That Groove is my favorite. What can I say, I'm a child of the 60s.
Picture perfect is my fav. So many things to do with this kit.
Love your stuff! Emerald city is a fave!
My favorite kit is wishes & Dreams. I love the colors and the elements are perfect with the colors. Thank you for making such awesome goodies.
don't have a favorite, I'm new at this and I love 'em all!
I just love all the WordArt Kits as it gives so much definition to what you want to portray. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. Happy Designing!
So many gorgeous kits! I especially love that a lot of the kits can be used for boys. My favourite kit of the moment is grafiti.
This would be amazing! my favorite kit is cuddle bug.
My Little Monster
I like "Sometimes" bc I'm making a wedding album and that one seems to go with my theme.
mkelly10 at partners dot org
I love My Little Monsters! Bright colors are my favorite
Hi Amy, congrats on being the feature designer at My Memories. My favorite kit is Hooked, its perfect for all the fishing this family does. Thanks for the chance at a great prize!
My favorite kit is the Hands of Time.
I really like a bunch of your kits, have a few, and my eye on a few more! Water works is at the top of that list! Thanks for the chance!
Wow! You have so many great designs but personally I have 2. "Movie Time" and "I Mustache You" My whole family is very artistic and loves the movies. My daughter actually does set design, so Movie Time is a very important staple in our lives and my granddaughters are obsessed with mustaches and we have a lot of fun pics with them so combining the 2, upgrades the wonderful memories for me and my family. Thank You for that!
I love Amy Dane's kits! they are all awesome! I love her My Little Monster kit it's totally adorable! thanks for the chance!
OMG...My stepsons would love Splat ping pow!
We were just at the local country fair where they spent more money than I care to admit on the paintball game. They were surprisingly good :)
What a great prize! Thanks for the opportunity.
Congrats on being the featured designer - well deserved as all of your kits are wonderful ! Difficult to choose a favorite, but Start Your Engines would fit my car lovin' family the best =) Thank you for the chance to win !
What a great prize! My favorite kit has to be cuddle bug!
To win your entire shop would be fantastic! My favorite kit is ABC because I love to make personalized ABC books!
Wow! Thanks for giving this away! I love your My Little Monster kit!
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