Saturday, October 12, 2019

Designer Tip from WinksArt Graphics

Hello, Lovelies!

Have you ever included a cute little clip art kid on one of your layouts?  Or maybe an art doll or other “people” clip art.  If not, maybe you feel it would detract from the people in the photos you are showing off.  That could happen, but if placed well the clip art figure can enhance your photos and draw the eye to them.  I like to think of it as the little figure showing the photo(s) and saying “Tah dah!”

Art dolls are so stylistic and fun and usually blend well with their kits and with photos.  They look really artsy and depending on the designer or artist, you’ll find a wide variety of styles.  I love them!  These two beauties are framing my granddaughters’ photo in a very pretty way!

I can’t resist giving links to a few beautiful kits that include art dolls, so here they are:

Sometimes the clip art person can be a part of telling the story; like a tooth fairy.  If you’re creating a page for photos of children, sports, seasons, food, girl stuff, or almost anything you can find kits with people/kid clip art that will work for your memory page.
Oh, just a note:  they’re great for designing hand-made greeting cards, too!

In the previous examples the clip art people have been placed in the front, but think how cute it could be to have one peeking out from behind an element, paper layer or photo. 

Thanks for reading.  Visit my shop, pick up your favorite kit and, if you haven’t before, try your hand at creating a page or two with clip art people!

Happy scrapping!  


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