Saturday, October 10, 2015

Scrapping from A to Z with Kathryn Estry!

Hi!  I'm Kathryn Estry, a designer here at MyMemories, and I'm back with another episode of From A to Z.  My goal is to give you a new idea with each letter so that you'll never be at a loss as to what to scrap or how to make your pages look amazing. Luckily for me, I have a brilliant Creative Team, and the inspiration layouts I use in this series were made by the talented ladies on my team.

I'm hoping you'll see some things in my A to Z Blog Series that you want to try!  If you do take any of these ideas and run with them, I'd love to see your layouts!  Please post them in the MyMemories forum in this month's A to Z Challenge thread HERE. Everyone who posts a layout in my challenge thread this month will receive a surprise prize!

Today's theme for D is...


Dancing is such a great part of my life that it's the first thing that came to mind when I thought of D topics.  Robert and I enjoy choreographed ballroom, but whatever your style is, get out there and dance!  Here are some pretty layouts with the dance theme to get you inspired!

Kabra tells my philosophy of dance in her layout with In a Cuckoo House

Kathy shows us the delicacy of dance in her layout using Dancing in the Rain and Shoe Love

Every little girl should get to take her father to a Father-Daughter Dance.  Here's Liz's page showing Elena and her dad all ready for the dance.  I know they had a great time!  Liz used March Scraps for her layout.

Let’s not forget the beautiful dancing at a wedding!  Lori used Forever Love for this layout for Ali and Paul.


Of all of my "D" collections, my favorite is Dear Santa.  First of all, I love decorating for Christmas, especially with traditional red and green.  I have some of my very own decorations in this kit.  The big Santa at the top is actually a wooden piece that I painted years ago.  He sits above a door frame in my living room.  The other Santas are some I've collected over the years, and the gemstone tree is a pin I wear on a red sweater. Watch for Dear Santa to be in my MyMemories store this Christmas!

These two precious pages with Dear Santa were by Michelle and Anita.

I hope you'll try scrapping the theme of dance, and again, I invite you to visit my forum challenge, Scrapping with Kathryn from A to Z.  :)

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