Saturday, January 20, 2024

Connie Prince's January 2024 - Picture Perfect (or not)!



The New Year has not started off exactly as planned.  Our entire family came down with the flu on New Year's Day and 19 days later we're still all feeling some side effects of it!  I hope that this is the only setback for 2024.  

 Hopefully you enjoyed your holidays and are having a great 2024 so far!  Did you set any goals or resolutions for the new year?  I try to think of a word each year and this year's word is "action", as in put my plans into action instead of just thinking about it!  Who knows?!  Hopefully this will get me moving and experiencing things that I've only dreamed of before!

For this month's Designer Tip, I wanted to put more focus on photos - the perfect ones and not so perfect ones.  Sometimes the only photo we have are the ones that are a little blurry or off centered.  Use them anyway!

For my January 2024 MM Exclusive I chose the theme "Picture Perfect".  It will be so useful in scrapbooking those perfect and not so perfect memories in 2024!

Here are a few inspiring holiday layouts to get your creative juices flowing!


See you next month!

Connie Prince

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