Friday, December 8, 2023

Join me in the Use-it-All Challenge and get a Free Mini Kit to Work with!

 My name is Karen, of Karen Schluz Designs, and I invite you to join me in this month's Use-it-All Challenge!

It is interesting and inspirational to see how we can all use the same papers and elements, yet create totally different scrapbook pages or projects. That is the thought that prompted this challenge.

It's December, a month full of Christmas cheer and winter fun! So it seemed fitting that we use "This is Me December" in this month's challenge.

If you enjoy this sampler and want to own the entire Collection, you will find it at its best price ever during the month of December! 

Visit the Use-it-All Challenge Forum to download the "This is Me December Sampler," read the Challenge rules, and join in the fun.

I have 2 Gifts for you too, so keep scrolling to find the links. BUT they are not to be used in the Challenge. They're simply for your enjoyment. ♥

I look forward to seeing what you create!
