Saturday, November 18, 2023

November 2023 Designer Tip With Connie Prince


Thanksgiving is coming! It can be a beautiful thing, but also so stressful or sad time for many.  For me, I miss family members that are no longer with us.  Our table has really shrunk through the years, but I realize I am blessed to have who I have in my life and I'm really trying to focus on that.

Whatever your circumstance I hope that you are able to count your blessings, too.
Here are a few tips to help you deal with the stress that holidays can cause.
  1. Share tasks,  let others bring dishes so that you aren't trying to cook the entire meal on your own!  Let them help clean up before and / or afterward.
  2. Have realistic expectations.  Ignore the perfect social media posts and photos - remember that no day or person is ever going to be perfect and that's ok.  Embrace the imperfectness (is that even a word? lol
  3. Keep your healthy habits!  Exercise can definitely help burn off that anxiety!
  4. Make time for you, quiet time to do what you enjoy.
  5. Make a list of the things that you are grateful for and try to focus on those blessings and not the stressings!

This month I'm showcasing layouts using an older collection, Abundantly.  I've placed the collection on sale 50% off this week.



Wishing you a very blessed Thanksgiving!
See you next month!

Connie Prince

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