Thursday, November 30, 2023

Connie Prince's November Blog Series



Here comes December and I am so excited about Christmas! We have our decorations ready to go and have already been watching Christmas movies, which is my favorite!  I hope that you are getting into the holiday spirit, too!
It's time to show off my 2023 December collection & hopefully this post will help to get your creativity flowing.  
O ' Christmas Tree!  Document your tree in a layout this year, from cutting it to the finished result.  I look back on my past Christmas photos each season just to see how I had the decorations placed!  It helps when decorating for the current year.

 Document those Christmas outings, too!  We always enjoy going to a beautiful light display, parade, or maybe a Christmas market.  Wherever you go, be sure to snap lots of photos!


Snap lots of pictures of your family and loved ones enjoying the holiday season, too!  It is nice to look back and see how people have changed!


 Here are some free gifts to get you started!


Have a very Merry Christmas!

Connie Prince

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