Thursday, October 19, 2023

October 2023 Designer Tip By Connie Prince




Ok, this month let's talk Halloween layouts!  I've never been a fan of super scary stuff, but I do love the more cutesy variety of Halloween kits and layouts!  Which brings me to this year's Halloween Kit "Spooky Sweet".  It's full of adorable Halloween touches that are just too cute to spook!

Let's see a pirate, a witch, and the joker walk into a graveyard...
I love the flower clusters on this one!
Document your Halloween decor and oddities!
Love how she used the spider element over the actual spider photo!

 Leaving the spooky house in a larger size to frame the edge of the photo was an awesome touch on this layout.  PLUS check out those corner spider webs, I love that!

The tilted photos add a "fun house" effect to this layout.  Plus, allowed space to add several different shots of the night!
Take a look at these spooky treats!  I love the idea of documenting any special "treats" that you might create for the holiday!
Wishing you a Happy Halloween!
See you next month!

Connie Prince

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