Friday, September 22, 2023

Scrapping from A to Z with Kathryn Estry

Hi!  I'm Kathryn, and I design for My Memories.  I am now at the end of my sixth round of my scrap series, From A to Z.  

First let me remind you to post your layouts in my matching Challenge Thread, Scrapping with Kathryn from A to Z. Everyone who posts a layout in this month's thread will receive from me the prize I have posted with this month's challenge.  To make it extra sweet, your layout can be about anything I've shown you in ANY of my A to Z challenges! 

I seemed to have used up most of my Z ideas in the first 5 rounds of this MM blog series, so digging deep for new ideas, 

Z is for ...


Do you have little kids or grandkids who are zippy fast?  What about your pets?  Photos of your car or truck - I'm sure it's zippy 

For inspiration, here are some of my collections with zippy in mind along with sample pages made by my talented Creative Team ladies. 

racing - Motor Mania

cars and trucks - Wheels

bicycles - Wheel Friends

and Animals :) - Rainbow Safari

Thanks to Donna, Lana, Kabra, Kathy, Lori, Pia, Tanya, and Yvonne!

Now, what in your life is "zippy" fast?  I challenge you to make a layout with the word "zippy" in mind. :)

Remember to head over to my A to Z Challenge, check out the prize for this month, and post a layout that you've created that reminds you of the word "zippy".  I can't wait to see your pages!


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