Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Use-it-All Challenge & Free Mini Kit

 It is interesting and inspirational to see how we can all use the same papers and elements, yet create totally different scrapbook pages or projects. That is the thought which prompted my Use-it-All Challenge.

In this Challenge, you are given a free mini-kit to work with. The rules are simple, you must create a layout using all of the items in the free kit.  See the complete rules in the Use-it-All Challenge Forum.

The month of July offers the opportunity to bask in the warmth of the summer sun and indulge in a range of outdoor activities. Whether you are enjoying a picnic in the park, swimming in a refreshing lake, or going for an invigorating walk, July weather beckons you to embrace the joys of nature.

This is why I have chosen Nature Hike II not only as my July Featured Collection but also for this month's challenge.

Head over to this month's challenge to download the Nature Hike II Mini Kit. 

And be sure to take advantage of the fabulous sale on the Nature Hike II Collection.

I look forward to seeing what you create,

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