Wednesday, June 14, 2023

DYL: Flag Day - June 14th -- special sale & gifts from Diane, ADB Designs


Today, June 14th, is our national holiday of FLAG DAY; it commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777. This fun poster is from the Library of Congress. It was created in 1917 when the bill was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson, creating the holiday.

Proudly red, white and blue with both bright and muted tones, my FLAG DAY collection will help you scrapbook any patriotic holiday collection or vintage Americana-themed pages.

My FLAG DAY collection features elements with military and American symbols as well as plenty of flowers, foliage and ribbons so you can scrap photos from any era and any subject. Check out some of my Creative Team layouts (below) and you will see how they used the collection to create a variety of beautiful pages.

Flag Day Collection ON SALE June 14-25: 50% off individual products AND 60% off the BUNDLE!! BEST PRICE EVER!

Q165  /Scrapbooking Prompts

· Scrap a patriotic holiday celebrated by your family.

· Journal a story about an ancestor and a patriotic event.

· Scrap about you or a family member becoming a citizen of the United States.

· Scrap about your favorite patriotic parade or other event you have seen.

These are just ideas to help you get started. I also have a gift for you to help you get started. With this Cluster (contributed by my amazing Creative Team Member. Lana) you can just add a photo(s) and some journaling and place it on your favorite background and you are done! Easy peasy!

Be sure to keep scrolling for information on additional gifts from this collection!

I hope you find inspiration from the layouts of my awesome Creative Team. Here are their layouts along with the previews from the collection.

I am so pleased when I see layouts created with my collections.  I would love to have you share them with me via one or both of my challenge threads in the forum.

Check my forum challenges for more gifts from this collection (and others)! 

Documenting Your Life Challenge (posted today also,  Wednesday: June 14)


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