First, let me wish all of you reading this a Happy Holiday season, no matter what your religious affiliation or if you have none.
The First Amendment to the US constitution reads, in part:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ...”
A Calling For Freedom is my latest Heritage Scrappers Collection. It is about the search for religious freedom and tolerance that led many peoples to the United States and accounted for the movement of many of our ancestors from one place to another. Beginning with the Puritans and not ended yet, families seek to find a home where they can worship without fear or interference.
I am very pleased to be listing my 100th questions/prompts to assist you in the scrapping of your family history!
Q100 (prompt)
What were the religious views of your parents/grandparents/other that helped to shape who you are or what you believe? Do you have ancestors who immigrated as a result of their religious views?
I have a gift for you created by Creative Team Member Rochelle, from the A Calling For Freedom Collection. Just click on the preview to go to the gift in my store. Add it to your cart and check out.
Here are some previews from the collection and layouts from my Creative Team for inspiration and to scrap lift if you are so inclined.

Happy scrapping,
ADB Designs
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