Scenic photographs paired with smaller photos:

Layout created by hclappy using my Winter Walk
collection. I love how the entire background is a scenic photograph
and then she used the smaller photos to tell the story of trying to get
that perfect sunset shot.
Coming in at two different angles:

Layout created by ollitko using my #2019 October collection.
From the tree canopy to the gorgeous golden ocean waves, the photos and quote paired together make such a magical layout.
Big Pics - Little Pics:

Layout created by kimb using my Sun Kissed collection.
I love the ocean scene combined with the small close up photo of family enjoying the water!
Blend It!

Layout created by sedoux using my #2019 October collection.
I just love big blended photos in the background, too. Here is a great example of that technique using a portrait.
Hopefully this inspires you to try creating your own layout using a photo for your background! It’s a fun technique and a great way to get more of your memories onto a single page.

Thank you so much for visiting the My Memories Blog and reading today’s Designer Tip!
Until next time,
Connie Prince
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