Monday, March 6, 2017

Documenting Your Life with ADB Designs

This is your story.  Do it YOUR way.  I write in my journal and scrap pages inspired by my journal entries. Two of my CT journal directly on their scrapbook pages and don't keep a separate paper journal. Others keep only a paper or computer journal and are waiting to create the scrapbook pages at a later date. There is no wrong way to do this, just pick up pen or mouse and DO IT. You can join me at any time with this series. You can scrap just the questions/prompts that inspire you, or all of them. You can scrap from the current question and go forward, or you can start at question 1 and move through them in order. 

Each post (every other week) I will share the current question/prompt and layouts created by myself, my creative team or scrapbooking friends.  

Note about sharing layouts from Cole:

We would LOVE for you to share YOUR layout's with us! Just create a 600x600 px jpg layout and email it to Cole subject line D.Y.L Layout!   With your permission, I will post it to the MyMemories BLOG DYL Series (right here), Instagram, Pinterest & Twitter.  Along with your layout, please do include the question/prompt number and the name of the My Memories designer(s) and the name of their product(s) you used.  If you would like to post it directly to our MyMemories Facebook wall please click HERE. You can also post your layouts in the MyMemories Forum HERE.

I am inspired on a daily basis by my sweet and energetic six year old granddaughter. She and her mother live with us currently; they will move into a home of their own as soon as Rochelle can find an appropriate house to purchase here in our small town. But until then, Shawn is a part of our every day and we are better for it.

Shawn has a passion for playing dress up. She has two large plastic bins full of clothes and accessories. She changes clothes and talks to her dolls for 8 hours straight in her playroom and her imagination is boundless.  I imagine she may someday be a writer or actress or ... anything she wants. The future is hers to shape.


What were your dreams for your future when you were a child or teen?  What dreams did your parents/grandparents/teachers/other have for you?

My newest collection is called DREAMS. "Dreams" is one of those collections that allows feminine AND masculine layouts in equal portions. The palette of greens and grays is pleasant and fresh. There is an eclectic mix of elements with a touch of springtime and mystery, AND it is perfect for scrapping this prompt.







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