Monday, August 10, 2015

Designer Tip by Kathryn Estry!

Not So Straight!
by Kathryn Estry, MyMemories Designer

Hi!  I’m married to an architect who feels more right with the world when everything is lined up nice and straight.  Well, I have a rule that if it’s supposed to be straight, it better be perfect, and yes, with the MMS you can easily tell the program to line up your photos or your alpha letters just so. Today I’m suggesting we break the rules now and then.  Before I retired from the classroom (3 years ago already), I often hung my student’s artwork in the hallway.  Have you ever walked down a school hallway and noticed that the schoolwork that was intended to be hung in a nice line just wasn’t?  I learned many years ago to hang my students’ work haphazardly on purpose, and it always looked right.  So I say let’s do the same thing when we use an alpha for a title.  Of course some alphas will look much better all lined up, but when you can, do what Rhonda did here.  She added a couple of little words and her title was  good to go.  I also like how she brought the letters over the top of her photo.  If you like this page, you can find the collection Rhonda used, Ali, in the MyMemories store HERE

Until next time, happy scrapping!

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