So make sure you check out the MyMemories Facebook Page and LIKE us - we really want more new friends!! And - we want to thank you with an EXCLUSIVE Free Download kit just for liking us! So - it's WIN WIN WIN around here! So, like our page and share it with your friends and when we hit 10,000, somebody gets a SUPER COOL iPAD!!! How amazing is that? Winner will be drawn at random from ALL our FB friends, so new friends AND old friends all have a chance!
*BONUS* There's a new Facebook page EXCLUSIVE Fan Freebie kit - check out the link - LIKE our page and share it!
You get the goodies!!

I am posting this on FB so all my friends can see it.
I am posting this on FB too
I posted this on face book for all my family and friends to see
fatto partecipo anche io
partecipo e condivido,
I'm glad to have found out about this great scrap booking software. What an awesome giveaway! :)
I was sent by THE COUPON FAERIE. Love the site so far :)
Hi there!
Saw the giveaway on Grrfeisty and liked your FB page, love the blog :)
I have joined you on facebook too
Such a cool giveaway!! I'm sharing on my facebook page!
I like you but I will like you again if I could win this prize.
Already like this page! So I hope I win :O)
I'm already a fan and I've just shared this on facebook so more can see it! Thanks for the chance to win an ipad 2!!
woohoo! It's never that far. I'm a super fan of MyMemories and shared on my timeline. Thanks for the chance to win ipad 2.
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