Saturday, September 24, 2011

*MyMemories Suite Workscreen Tour*

Good morning! It's Saturday and I thought I'd share another *Short & Suite* tutorial from our video library with a great little tour around the MyMemories Suite workscreen! This is a great little video if you are just getting started with MyMemories and want to know "what do all those little buttons and tabs do???"!! So, check it out and see what you think!

*MMS Workscreen Tour* from Lisa Jurrens on Vimeo.

There's also a PDF that accompanies this lesson and can be helpful if you are a "I'd like to print that out" kind of person. Here's the link: TOUR THE MMS WORKSCREEN PDF. It follows along with the video and can be a great "cheat sheet" to refer to while you are working on your projects!

Remember to check out ALL the fun stuff we have going on over at our MyMemories Facebook page! We have a few challenges, a Sunday Speed Scrap and MORE fun scrappy friends than most people can handle!! So, have a Happy Scrappy Saturday ... and don't forget to make a memory today!

BONUS!!! If you would LOVE a fun FREE new kit, check out and *LIKE* our 
MyMemories Facebook page, share it with your friends and as a 
fun little 'Thank You'  there's a great free kit to download!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway at Living Life: Hannah Style!

~Danielle @ Life With Two Boys

Samantha said...

OMG! WOW! Amazing over veiw!

Wendy L said...

I have looked at this vid and I cant find how to save to jpeg. When I click on Share album, tht option is not there. If you have an answer for me please email.

Thanks you